
Amazon Seller Cash Flow Tip – Do This Now!

Update: As of 3/7/2022, this is still alive. I’ve seen reports of Amazon raising the billing threshold up to $10,000, so make sure to get your billing threshold raised.

As an Amazon Seller, cash flow is extremely important. and If you spend money to advertise on Amazon, how and when you pay for those ads impacts your cash flow.

Amazon says your billing limit starts at $50 and slowly increases based on your spending to $500

amazon billing threshold cash flow

And If you don’t hit $500 in a given month, they will charge you at the beginning of the next month

amazon billing monthly charge cash flow

So chances are your account billing threshold is at $500, like most accounts.

If you spend more than $30/day on ads, you are paying for them multiple times per month, which hurts your cash flow as an amazon seller, and can also be annoying once you spend more (an account spending $1k per day would pay 60 times per month!)

Wouldn’t it be great if amazon gave you a few more days, even weeks to pay for your ads?

The good news is, you can easily increase the threshold to anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000, possibly more, based on your account historical performance and past spending trends.

Did you know you can easily increase your #AmazonAds billing threshold to anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000?

increase amazon billing threshold
Wouldn’t you rather pay twice weekly, instead of 4 times daily?

All it takes is opening a case with seller support asking for the threshold to be raised to the maximum they will approve. expect a reply within 1-2 days and a new higher threshold, allowing you to pay for your ads less often and further apart.

Now you will pay only when you hit that higher threshold, and the longer it takes you to hit it, the more time you have before you need to pay for your ads!

Let me know if this worked for you!

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