Amazon Search Terms Now Show Within Seller Central

Another day, another new tab in sponsored products.
Yesterday I wrote about the new sponsored products “History” tab view in seller central, which shows a history of all changes made to your campaigns.
Today, there’s another new tab called “Search Terms”. this tab shows all your search term data within each ad group.
(previously to access this data you had to download a CSV or pay a 3rd party application)
In order to view this new tab, you need to click into a specific ad group, if you still don’t see it may take a few days to be added on your account
Interestingly, the search term view features 2 new columns that are not available anywhere else in the campaign manager – RoAS and Conversion Rate column. both are standard metrics in advertising, so hopefully, we get to see them added across the platform.
Either way, having search term data available within the seller central interface is a huge step forward for sponsored products, and I’m hoping these latest feature additions will continue making our lives easier.
What do you think about this new feature?
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